Canadian artist - Abstract sculptural art

Vanessa Studio Art embarks on a new journey. After deep reflection, I've decided to stop producing pouring art.

It's been five years since I started painting, and in that time I've explored an amalgam of techniques related to the medium. From these early paintings have sprung many projects, including the creation of derivative products, collaborations with other artists and partnerships with retailers. Each of these efforts has been instrumental in my growth and learning as an artist.

Recently, I've been questioning the alignment of my art with my values, particularly with regard to my environmental impact. As someone deeply concerned about ecology and the future of our planet, I realized that the type of paint I use is far from sustainable. The use of various chemicals in the mixing of acrylic paints, as well as the creation of an excess of waste from several containers, doesn't sit well with me. The desire to pursue a more minimalist and environmentally friendly approach beckoned.

With this in mind, Vanessa Studio Art is blazing a new trail in sculptural art, with an emphasis on sustainability.

I look forward to revealing these new works to you soon! Stay tuned...

- Vanessa


*The images shown above are close-ups of works.